martes, 6 de septiembre de 2016

Neptune Orient Lines to be officially delisted as CMA CGM completes acquisition exercise

The firm will be delisted on 6 September.
The time has come for Neptune Orient Lines to be taken off the board of the SGX’s listed companies, as CMA CGM completes the acquisition exercise of all the NOL shares.
According to a press release by CMA CGM, NOL is now effectively a wholly-owned subsidiary of CMA CGM and will be delisted from the Official List of the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited (SGX-ST).
“NOL had, on August 5, 2016, obtained the waivers and approval from the SGX-ST for its delisting,” the release noted.
“The transfer of all the remaining shares that have been compulsorily acquired has been effected and payment for such shares has been despatched,” it added.
Neptune Orient Lines to be officially delisted as CMA CGM completes acquisition exercise 

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